

发布时间:2016/6/1 10:25:57         访问次数:25661



(1) 聚乙烯管道、增强聚乙烯复合管(RTP)的结构无损检测、失效分析以及新型连接技术;
(2) 聚烯烃及其增强结构、碳纤维增强复合材料结构承压设备的无损检测与安全评定技术;
(3) 大型复合材料飞机(如A350、B787等)的可靠连接与修复技术;
(4) 复合材料结构的先进测试与传感技术;
(5) 风力发电机叶片、新型复合材料汽车(BMW i3/i8)及船舶的结构健康状态监测与安全评定技术。

  制定了国际首部聚乙烯管道电熔接头安全评定国家标准(GB/T 29460-2012),为实现聚乙烯管道系统从“有损检测”向“无损评价”转变提供技术支撑,对提高我国聚烯烃及其复合管道系统的本质安全性起推进作用。研究成果已成功应用于石化、能源等重要行业。目前已获得的20项授权国家发明专利,其中10项已实现专利实施权转让,实现人才培养、理论研究、技术开发及产业化应用的有机结合。
  主持或已完成国家自然科学基金、863子课题、博士后特别资助项目、博士后面上基金项目等,承担总项目经费超过1000万元,服务了包括中国燃气、中国石油天然气管道局、三门核电等大型骨干企业或重大工程;是2项国家科技支撑计划子课题的主要研究者。参与指导6名博士生和7名硕士生。相关成果获2014中国石油与化工联合会技术发明奖一等奖(省部级,排名:2/9),2012中国石油与化工联合会技术发明奖一等奖(省部级,排名:2/6),2008年美国机械工程师协会全球优秀博士生论文奖第二名(排名:1/3),2009国家质量监督检验检疫总局科技兴检奖二等奖(省部级,排名:5/10),参与制定国家标准两项(分别排名:2/11,3/10),出版专著一部(排名:3/3),申报国家发明专利30项(已授权20项),获软件著作权2项,发表SCI/EI期刊论文15篇(其中浙江大学认定的TOP期刊7篇),并在本行业顶级学术会议——ASME 压力容器与管道会议上发表或宣读研究论文18篇(全部为EI收录),并担任2012-2015年间ASME PVPC中国压力容器与管道技术分区共同组织者(Topic Co-Organizer),极端压力容器(Extreme pressure equipment)分会场的共同发起者(Session Co-Developer)和主席(Chair),是Polymer Composites、ASME Journal of Manufacture and Processing、Engineering Failure Analysis等国际期刊及ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition审稿专家。

(1) 恶劣工况用高参数钢丝缠绕增强聚乙烯复合管道关键技术及产业化,2014中国石油与化工联合会技术发明奖一等奖
(2) 浙江大学求是青年荣誉称号
(3) 浙江大学新星计划项目资助获得者
(4) 聚烯烃及其复合管道安全检测与评价方法,2012中国石油与化工联合会技术发明奖一等奖
(5) 聚乙烯管道电熔接头超声检测与缺陷安全评定技术研究,2010国家质量监督检验检疫总局科技兴检二等奖
(6) A model for predicting temperature of electrofusion joints for polyethylene pipes,美国机械工程师协会压力容器与管道分会2008优秀博士论文奖第二名
(7) Formation mechanism of the eigen-line in electrofusion joints of polyethylene pipes,美国机械工程师协会压力容器与管道分会2010优秀博士论文优胜奖

(1) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 郭伟灿, 丁守宝, 高继轩, 徐平, 胡斌, 丁良玉, 李翔, 王笑梅, 郭春立, 含缺陷聚乙烯管道电熔接头安全评定, GB/T 29460-2012, 全国锅炉压力容器标准化技术委员会. 2013: 北京
(2) 郑津洋, 郭伟灿, 施建峰, 丁守宝, 高继轩, 徐平, 胡斌, 丁良玉, 李翔, 王笑梅, 聚乙烯管道电熔接头超声检测, GB/T 29461-2012, 全国锅炉压力容器标准化技术委员会. 2013: 北京
(3) 郑津洋,李翔,施建峰. 钢丝缠绕增强塑料复合管,北京:化学工业出版社,2012.

(1) 郑津洋, 罗翔鹏, 施建峰, 周凯迪, 岑佳勇. 一种新型马鞍形管件及其电熔焊接时的连接固定方法, 发明专利号: 201410398834.2.
(2) 徐平, 侯东圣, 施建峰, 师俊, 郑津洋. 聚烯烃管及聚烯烃复合管内压-点压载荷测试装置, 发明专利号: 201310273608.7.
(3) 施建峰, 罗翔鹏, 郑津洋. 聚烯烃管及聚烯烃复合管内压-压扁载荷测试装置. 发明专利号: ZL201310272816.5
(4) 郑津洋, 侯东圣, 施建峰, 师俊. 用于电熔接头剥离试验的装置及方法, 发明专利号: 201310125905.7.
(5) 郑津洋, 师俊, 施建峰, 侯东圣, 罗翔鹏. 聚烯烃管及聚烯烃复合管内压-弯曲载荷测试装置. 发明专利号: ZL201320387845.1
(6) 郑津洋,师俊,施建峰,高继轩,侯东圣. 钢丝缠绕增强塑料复合管的钢丝牵引装置, 发明专利号: ZL201210386705.2
(7) 师俊, 施建峰, 郑津洋, 郭伟灿. 带检测平面的电熔套筒, 发明专利号:ZL201210007074.9.
(8) 施建峰, 郑津洋, 郭伟灿, 徐平, 徐成. 电熔接头冷焊判定方法, 发明专利号:ZL201110211482.1.
(9) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 饶静, 郭伟灿. 基于设计寿命的增强热塑性塑料复合管的检验方法, 发明专利号:ZL201110063357.0.
(10) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 孙国有, 徐平. 全高度快开门式储槽, 发明专利号:ZL201010226455.7.
(11) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 郭伟灿, 徐平, 秦永泉, 李翔. 聚乙烯管道热熔接头焊接焊缝区检测方法, 发明专利号:ZL201010104252.0.
(12) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 郭伟灿, 徐平, 李翔. 通过无线网络实现焊接质量监控的电熔焊机及实现方法, 发明专利号:ZL200910156613.3.
(13) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 李翔, 王非, 郭伟灿, 徐平. 聚乙烯管氧化皮刮削器, 发明专利号:ZL200810061691.6.
(14) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 秦永泉, 翔李, 郭伟灿, 平徐. 聚乙烯管件刮管器, 发明专利号:ZL200810061690.0.
(15) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 郭伟灿, 徐成. 能够防止产生冷焊与过焊缺陷的电熔焊接方法及电熔焊机, 发明专利, 发明专利号:ZL201110428347.2.
(16) 徐平, 施建峰, 师俊, 饶静, 郑津洋. 采用榫卯结构的管道电熔接头及电熔焊接方法, 发明专利号:ZL201010523483.5.
(17) 郑津洋, 秦永泉, 施建峰, 徐平, 王非, 郭伟灿. 聚乙烯管道外卷边自动切除机, 发明专利号:ZL200910098412.2.
(18) 郑津洋, 丁守宝, 郭伟灿, 施建峰. 聚乙烯管道热熔对接接头耦合聚焦超声检测方法及检测装置, 发明专利号:ZL200810121786.7.
(19) 郑津洋, 刘贤信, 孙国有, 赵永志, 储进科, 周池楼, 施建峰, 顾超华. 测试高压氢气环境下材料耐久性的试验机, 发明专利号:ZL201110259252.2.
(20) 郑津洋, 刘贤信, 孙国有, 储进科, 周池楼, 赵永志, 施建峰, 顾超华. 自平衡的高压气体环境材料试验机加载装置, 发明专利号:ZL201110323614.X.
(21) 郑津洋, 花争立, 欧可升, 赵永志, 周池楼, 刘骁, 李静媛, 施建峰. 基于离子液体的高压氢环境下材料试验装置及试验方法, 发明专利号: ZL201310205774.3.
(22) 郑津洋, 王非, 施建峰, 秦永泉, 郭伟灿. 聚乙烯管道接头失效基础数据库软件, 软件著作权号:2009SR06789
(23) 施建峰, 郑津洋, 郭伟灿, 苗晓明, 侯东圣, 王乐, 聂新宇. 聚烯烃及其复合管道电熔接头超声相控阵检测缺陷自动识别软件, 软件著作权号:2014SR165096

7.1 代表性论文
(1) Jinyang Zheng, Dongsheng Hou, Weican Guo, Xiaoming Miao, Yaoda Zhou and Jianfeng Shi*. Ultrasonic Inspection of Electro-fusion Joint of Large Size Polyethylene Pipe in Nuclear Power Plant. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2016
(2) Jinyang Zheng, Dongsheng Hou, Sijia Zhong, Jianfeng Shi*, Guangzhong Li. Effect of viscoelasticity on the hold pressure of plastic pipe reinforced by cross helically wound steel wires in leak test. Composite Structures, 2015. 133: p. 756-763. (IF=3.3)
(3) Jinyang Zheng, Jun Shi, Jianfeng Shi*, Sijia Zhong, Jing Rao, Guangzhong Li. Short-term burst pressure of polyethylene pipe reinforced by winding steel wires under various temperatures. Composite Structures, 2015. 121: p. 163-171. (IF=3.3)
(4) Xiangpeng Luo, Shunli Lu, Jianfeng Shi*, Xiang Li, Jinyang Zheng. Numerical simulation of strength failure of buried polyethylene pipe under foundation settlement. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2015. 48: p. 144-152. (IF=1.13)
(5) Jinyang Zheng, Sijia Zhong, Jianfeng Shi* and Weican Guo, and. Study on the Allowable Temperature for Preventing Over Welding During Thermal Welding of Polyethylene Pipe. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2014. 137(4): p. 021401. (SCI, TOP)
(6) Xiangpeng Luo, Jinjin Ma, Jinyang Zheng, Jianfeng Shi*. Finite element analysis of buried polyethylene pipe subjected to seismic landslide. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2014. 136(6): p. 31801. (SCI, TOP)
(7) Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo, Safety assessment of cold welding defect in electro-fusion joint of polyethylene pipe. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology. 2013. 135(5), p. 051403. (SCI, TOP)
(8) Jinyang Zheng, Jianfeng Shi and Weican Guo, Development of non-destructive test and safety assessment of electrofusion joints for connecting polyethylene pipes. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2012. 134(2): p. 021406. (SCI, TOP)
(9) Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, Weican Guo and Jun Shi, Defects classification and failure modes of electrofusion joint for connecting polyethylene pipes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2012. 124(5): p. 4070-4080. (SCI, TOP)
(10) Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo, Formation mechanism of the Eigen-line in electrofusion joints of polyethylene pipes. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2011. 133(5): p. 051403. (SCI, TOP)
(11) Jinyang Zheng, Linlin Wu and Jianfeng Shi. Extreme pressure equipments. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2011. 24: p. 1-5. (SCI)
(12) Xiang Li, Jinyang Zheng, Jianfeng Shi, Yaxian Li, and Ping Xu. Experimental investigation on buckling of plastic pipe reinforced by winding steel wires under external pressure. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 2010. 23(6): p. 827-843. (SCI)
(13) Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, Weican Guo, Ping Xu, Yongquan Qin and Shangzhi Zuo, A model for predicting temperature of electrofusion joints for polyethylene pipes. ASME Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 2009. 131(6): p. 61403. (SCI, TOP)
(14) 施建峰, 郭伟灿, 师俊, 钟思嘉, 郑津洋, 聚乙烯及其复合管道安全检测与评价方法. 化工学报, 2012. 64(2): p. 756-764. (Ei)
(15) 郑津洋, 施建峰, 郭伟灿, 丁守宝, 石平, 王卉. 聚乙烯管道电熔接头温度场分析. 焊接学报, 2009. 30(3): p. 5-9. (Ei)
(16) 郑津洋, 郭伟灿, 施建峰, 丁守宝, 王卉, 丁良玉, 聚乙烯电熔接头冷焊缺陷的超声检测方法. 焊接学报, 2008. 29(9): p. 1-4. (Ei)
7.2 其他论文
(1) 郑津洋, 鲁顺利, 马津津, 施建峰*, 占压下埋地聚乙烯管力学响应的数值模拟. 中国塑料, 2014. 28(1): p. 60-64.
(2) 郭伟灿, 郑津洋, 丁守宝, 施建峰, 石平. 聚乙烯电熔接头的超声波检测. 无损检测, 2008(12): p. 877-880.
(3) 郭伟灿, 郑津洋, 丁守宝, 施建峰, 石平, 秦永泉, 王非. 聚乙烯电熔接头中金属丝成像规律的理论分析与试验研究. 无损检测, 2009. 31(11): p. 880-883.
(4) 郭伟灿, 郑津洋, 刘仲强, 施建峰. 厚壁筒形件内表面径向缺陷超声波检测灵敏度试验. 无损检测, 2012(2): p. 24-27.
(5) 王卉, 郑津洋, 郭伟灿, 方晓斌, 丁良玉, 寇官祥, SHIN Hyeon Jae, 施建峰. 聚乙烯管道电熔焊接接头的超声检测. 压力容器, 2007. 24(5): p. 45-49.
(6) 郑津洋, 施建峰. 2008年ASME PVP会议简介. 压力容器, 2008(12): p. 56-58.
(7) 郭伟灿, 郑津洋, 丁守宝, 施建峰, 石平, 秦永泉. 聚乙烯电熔接头表面不规则对超声相控阵检测的影响分析. 压力容器, 2009(2): p. 6-10.
(8) 李翔, 郑津洋, 施建峰, 秦永泉, 王飞, 郝宇杰, 邵泰清, 邵汉增, 李广忠, 何晓莲. 钢丝缠绕增强塑料复合管蠕变行为研究. 压力容器, 2010. 27(2): p. 8-14.
(9) 郑津洋, 郝宇杰, 陈学东, 陈志平, 施建峰. 美国机械工程师协会2010年压力容器与管道会议简介. 压力容器, 2010(9): p. 51-54.
(10) 唐晓晖, 郑津洋, 施建峰. 欧盟简单压力容器指令最新动向. 压力容器, 2012(6).
(11) 徐成, 徐平, 施建峰, 郭伟灿. 聚乙烯管韧性破坏寿命预测方法研究. 压力容器, 2012. 29(1): p. 1-6.
(12) 黄泽, 郑津洋, 刘鹏飞, 缪存坚, 施建峰. 内压圆筒厚度计算公式分析讨论. 压力容器, 2012(8): p. 18-21.
(13) 马津津, 陈学东, 贾国栋, 陈志平, 施建峰, 郑津洋. 2012年ASME PVP会议简介. 压力容器, 2012(9): p. 72-76.
(14) 郑津洋, 秦永泉, 施建峰, 李翔, 徐平, 郭伟灿, 王非. 聚乙烯管道热熔接头卷边对拉伸性能的影响. 中国塑料, 2009(7): p. 77-80.
(15) 王非, 李广忠, 卲汉增, 施建峰, 郑津洋. 聚乙烯管道接头超声检测基础数据库软件开发. 中国塑料, 2010(6): p. 86-90.
7.3 会议论文或报告
(1) Weican Guo, Jianfeng Shi, Dongsheng Hou. Research on phased array ultrasonic technique for testing butt fusion joint in polyethylene pipe. Far East Forum on Nondestructive Evaluation/Testing. 2016. Nanchang, Jiangxi, China. (submitted)
(2) Xiangpeng Luo, Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng. Mechanism of slow crack growth in polyethylene: A finite element approach. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2015. Boston, Massachusetts, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(3) Xiaoming Miao, Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng. A method of ultrasonic phased array inspection of middle-high pressure plastic pipe reinforced by cross helically wound steel wires electro-fusion joint. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2015. Boston, Massachusetts, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(4) Jianfeng Shi, Dongsheng Hou, Weican Guo, Yaoda Zhou, Xia Chen, and Jinyang Zheng. Ultrasonic inspection of large diameter polyethylene pipe used in nuclear power plant. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2014. Anaheim, California, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(5) Weican Guo, Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng, and Zhongqiang Liu. Research on ultrasonic testing for electro-fusion joint of reinforced thermoplastic pipes. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2014. Anaheim, California, America: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(6) Sijia Zhong, Jianfeng Shi and Jinyang Zheng. Study on constitutive modeling for large deformation behavior of polyethylene considering strain rate effect. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(7) Jun Shi, Jianfeng Shi and Jinyang Zheng. Investigation on Shear Strength of Steel-Polymer Adhesive Interface in Plastic Pipe Reinforced by Cross Helically Wound Steel Wires. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(8) Jinyang Zheng, Xiangpeng Luo, Jianfeng Shi* and Sijia Zhong. Study on the failure mode of cracking through the fitting of electrofusion joint. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(9) Jinyang Zheng, Dongsheng Hou, Jun Shi, Shunli Lu, Jianfeng Shi* and Ping Xu. A new method of measuring the bond strength of electrofusion joint. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(10) Weican Guo, Huiting Xu, Zhongqiang Liu and Jianfeng Shi*, Ultrasonic technique for testing cold welding of butt-fusion joints in polyethylene pipe, ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2013. Paris, France: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(11) Jinjin Ma, Jianfeng Shi and Jinyang Zheng. Safety investigation of buried polyethylene pipe subject to seismic landslide. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2012. Toronto, Canada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(12) Sijia Zhong, Jianfeng Shi, Weican Guo, and Jinyang Zheng. Investigation on the allowable temperature during electrofusion welding of polyethylene pipe. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2012. Toronto, Canada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(13) Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo. Safety assessment of cold welding defect in electro-fusion joint of polyethylene pipe. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2012. Toronto, Canada: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(14) Jun Shi, Jing Rao, Jianfeng Shi, Ping Xu, Taiqing Shao, Hanzeng Shao, Defu Chen, Guangzhong Li and Xiaolian He. Design of a Large Diameter Steel Reinforced Plastic Pipe. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2011. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
(15) Weican Guo, Jinyang Zheng, Zhongqiang Liu, Jianfeng Shi, Shoubao Ding, and Shangzhi Zuo. Experimental investigation on coupling focusing ultrasonic technique for inspection of polyethylene butt-fusion joint. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
(16) Jinyang Zheng, Yongquan Qin, Jianfeng Shi, Weican Guo, Hui Wang, and Fei Wang. Classification of defects in fusion joints of polyethylene pipes. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(17) Jinyang Zheng, Jianfeng Shi and Weican Guo. Development of non-destructive test and safety assessment of electrofusion joints for connecting polyethylene pipes. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(18) Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo. Formation mechanism of the Eigen-line in electrofusion joints of polyethylene pipes. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2010. Bellevue, Washington, USA: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(19) Jianfeng Shi, Jinyang Zheng and Weican Guo. A model for predicting temperature of electrofusion joints for polyethylene pipes. ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference. 2008. Chicago, IL, United States: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (Presenting Author)
(20) 施建峰, 郑津洋, 郭伟灿, 李翔, 秦永泉, 王非. 聚乙烯管道电熔接头冷焊的判定方法. 第七届全国压力容器学术会议. 2009. 无锡.
(21) 郑津洋, 施建峰. 聚乙烯管道电熔接头安全评定方法研究进展. 全国化工机械博士研究生创新研讨会. 2009. 南京.

(1) 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)压力容器与管道分会PVP2016中国压力容器与管道技术分区共同组织者(Topic Co-Organizer),极端压力容器(Extreme pressure equipment)分会场的共同发起者(Session Co-Developer)和主席(Chair), Vancouver, Canada: http://www.asmeconferences.org/PVP2016/;
(2) 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)压力容器与管道分会PVP2015中国压力容器与管道技术分区共同组织者(Topic Co-Organizer),极端压力容器(Extreme pressure equipment)分会场的共同发起者(Session Co-Developer)和主席(Chair), Boston, Massachusetts, America: http://www.asmeconferences.org/PVP2015/;
(3) 国际期刊Polymer Composites、ASME Journal of Manufacture and Processing、Engineering Failure Analysis等审稿专家,ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition审稿专家;
(4) 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)压力容器与管道分会PVP2014中国压力容器与管道技术分区共同组织者(Topic Co-Organizer),极端压力容器(Extreme pressure equipment)分会场的共同发起者(Session Co-Developer)和主席(Chair), Anaheim, California, America: http://www.asmeconferences.org/PVP2014/;
(5) 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)压力容器与管道分会PVP2013中国压力容器与管道技术分区共同组织者(Topic Co-Organizer),极端压力容器(Extreme pressure equipment)分会场的共同发起者(Session Co-Developer)和主席(Chair), Paris, France: http://www.asmeconferences.org/PVP2013/;
(6) 美国机械工程师协会(ASME)压力容器与管道分会PVP2012中国压力容器与管道技术分区极端压力容器(Extreme pressure equipment)分会场的共同主席(Co-Chair), Toronto, Canada: http://www.asmeconferences.org/PVP2012/;
(7) 2014年中国机械工程学会压力容器分会首届“中国压力容器优秀青年论文奖”评选委员会秘书;
(8) 第九届全国压力容器设计学术会议(2014)秘书;
(9) 第八届全国压力容器设计学术会议(2012)秘书;

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jianfeng_Shi

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